Saturday, April 26, 2008

what for

i waited for so long and what for. to look cute for my window? for my tv? for my computer screen? what a waste

Worst night

i can't even believe adam i thought he liked me or at least liked me enough to not do something like this to me. rather than telling me that him and hilary started dating this week he left me here waitnig for him to come pick me up for something i had been looking forward to for so long.

i will never forgive him.

i will never get to go to another prom this was my senior prom and he stood me up.

i wasted the money on my dress, my hair, my nails, my shoes, my jewelry all for nothing but worse than that he hurt me and i will never for get that.

where is he?

i've been waiting for adam to come pick me up for over an hour and a half now. he was supposed to be here at around 5! i've tried calling his cell phone and his house and no one is answering. i don't know if i should just go to the dance by myself or keep waiting for him.

i hope he didn't get into an accident or something i would feel really guilty for being mad right now if he was.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


i am so excited for prom this saturday!! adam and i are going to jarod's house after the dance which should be really fun!! i am so excited to wear my new dress and get my hair and make up done!!! i'll post pics after i get ready so you all can see!